Important Information: IMPORTANT FRAUD ALERT: We have been notified by our members that fraudsters are attempting to gain account and personal information by posing as an OceanAir associate. Please remember that if you do not intend to contact OceanAir, DO NOT provide any personal information, passwords, account numbers, card numbers, etc. If you suspect you are being targeted, please contact OceanAir immediately at 805.988.2151. OceanAir team members will assist in securing your account.

All Rates

At OceanAir, our goal is to make your financial life as easy as possible, so we’ve put all of our rates in one place. From Savings accounts to mortgage rates, you name it, you can find it here!

Home Loans

Home purchase, refinance, or cash-out refinance and home equity lines of credit
(Fixed and adjustable rates)

See Rates

Consumer Loans

Auto Loans, RV Loans, Motorcycle Loans, Personal Loans, Eco Loans, Personal Line of Credit

See Rates
Savings Account Rates*
Account TypeMinimum DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Regular Savings*$5Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
IRA Savings Account*$25Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
Health Savings Account**$100Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
Epic Premium Checking*
TierMin. DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Tier 1$0Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
Tier 2$2,000Avg. Daily0.250%0.250%
Tier 3$25,000Avg. Daily0.499%0.500%
Tier 4$50,000Avg. Daily0.995%1.000%
Tier 5$100,000Avg. Daily1.982%2.000%
Tier 6$250,000Avg. Daily2.960%3.000%

Epic Premium Promotion

1-year Term Share Certificate

Epic Premium account holders will enjoy a .25% bonus on a new 1-year Term Share Certificate to 4.00% APY | 3.928% Stated Rate

2-year Term Share Certificate

Epic Premium account holders will enjoy a .25% bonus on a new 2-year Term Share Certificate to 4.00% APY | 3.928% Stated Rate

5-year Term Share Certificate

Epic Premium account holders will enjoy a .25% bonus on a new 5-year Term Share Certificate to 3.75% APY | 3.687% Stated Rate

Insured Money Market Rates Account*
TierMin. DepositsTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Tier 1$0Avg. Daily0.000%0.000%
Tier 2$2,000Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
Tier 3$25,000Avg. Daily0.250%0.250%
Tier 4$50,000Avg. Daily0.499%0.500%
Tier 5$100,000Avg. Daily0.995%1.000%
Tier 6$250,000Avg. Daily1.982%2.000%
Term Share and IRA Certificates**
Minimum DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
$500 Min. Certs.3 months3.928%4.000%
$500 Min. Certs.3 Months with **Epic Premium Checking4.169%4.250%
$500 Min. Certs.6 months3.687%3.750%
$500 Min. Certs.6 Months with **Epic Premium Checking3.928%4.000%
$500 Min. Certs.1 year3.687%3.750%
$500 Min. Certs.1 year with **Epic Premium Checking3.928%4.000%
$500 Min. Certs.1 Year IRA with **Epic Premium Checking4.410%4.500%
$500 Min. Certs.18 months3.687%3.750%
$500 Min. Certs.18 months with **Epic Premium Checking3.928%4.000%
$500 Min. Certs.2 years3.687%3.750%
$500 Min. Certs.2 years with **Epic Premium Checking3.928%4.000%
$500 Min. Certs.3 years3.445%3.500%
$500 Min. Certs.4 years3.445%3.500%
$500 Min. Certs.5 years3.445%3.500%
$500 Min. Certs.5 years with **Epic Premium Checking3.687%3.750%

* Dividends are declared at the end of each month by the Board of Directors based on the Credit Union’s earning and cannot be guaranteed. Dividends compounded monthly. Dividends paid on average daily balances of $100 or more on savings and $5,000 or more on checking.
+ Dividends compounded monthly. The rates shown are anticipated. Dividends paid on average daily balances of $2,000 or more.
** Dividends compounded monthly. Last dividends paid at the end of last month.

Consumer Loan Rates

Auto Loan Rates

New & Used Auto/Truck/Van (2020 model year and newer). Rates and terms apply to direct auto only.

TermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1,000
36 Months or less5.74% $30.31
37-48 Months5.74%$23.37
49-60 Months5.99%$19.33
61-72 Months6.24%$16.69
73-84 Months6.74%$14.97

Old Auto/Truck/Van (2019 – 2018 model years). Rates and terms apply to direct auto only.

TermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1,000
36 Months or less6.74%$30.76
37-48 Months6.74%$23.83
49-60 Months6.99%$19.80
61-72 Months7.24%$17.17
73-84 Months7.74%$15.46

Older Auto/Truck/Van (2017 or older model years). Rates and terms apply to direct auto only.

TermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1,000
36 Months or less7.74%$31.22
37-48 Months7.74%$24.30
49-60 Months7.99%$20.28

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates vary with the amount financed, term, and credit history, and are subject to change without notice. Rates apply to new money loans only. Please contact our Loan Sales Team at (805) 988-2151 ext 8806 for rates on refinancing existing OceanAir loans. Promotional APR is with the purchase of an Epic Premium Checking account and OceanAir Auto Insurance. No salvage title vehicles.

Motorcycle Rates
TermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1,000
36 Months or less8.40%$30.93
37-48 Months8.40%$24.23
49-60 Months8.65%$20.11
61-72 Months8.90%$17.39
Boat & RV Rates
TermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1000
Up to 60 Months8.21%$19.91
61-120 Months8.71%$11.83
121 - 180 Months 9.21%$9.66
Credit Card Rates

Visa Platinum

As low as
13.50% APR1

Epic Rewards Card

EarnAs low as
5% back on Gas & Travel*
3% back on Groceries*
1% back on Everything Else**
16.75% APR1
Personal Loan Rates
TypeTermAPR Rates* as low asPayment per $1000
Signature Loan
12 Months or less10.99%$87.71
Signature Loan
13-24 Months11.49%$46.17
Signature Loan
25-36 Months11.99%$32.52
Signature Loan
37-48 Months12.49%$25.86
Signature Loan
49-60 Months12.99%$22.01
Personal Line of CreditOpen Ended15.00%
Secured Loan Rates
TypeTermAPR Rates* as low as
Share SecuredLess than 2 years5.00%
above the dividend rate
Share Secured24 to 47 Months5.50%
above the dividend rate
Share Secured48 to 60 Months6.00%
above the dividend rate
Term Share Certificate Secured3 Months to 5 Years3.00%
above the dividend rate

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates vary with the amount financed, term, and your credit history, and are subject to change without notice. Rates apply to new money loans only. Please contact our Loan Sales Team at (805) 988-2151 ext 2806 for rates on refinancing existing OceanAir loans.

Home Loan Rates

Fixed-Rate Mortgages
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) 5

Estimated payment examples do not include property tax, insurance, or HOA fees, so your actual payment will be
higher. Rates are not automatically locked in at time of application. Loan rate locks can be requested in writing after
your loan has been pre-approved by OceanAir. Other restrictions may apply. Call for details.

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