Important Information: Holiday Hours: We will be open on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Our offices will be closed on both Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Business Deposit Rates

Business Savings Account*

Minimum DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
$5Avg Daily0.030%0.030%

Business Epic Checking+

TierMin. DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Tier 1$0Avg. Daily0.030%0.030%
Tier 2$2,000Avg. Daily0.100%0.100%
Tier 3$25,000Avg. Daily0.250%0.250%
Tier 4$50,000Avg. Daily0.995%1.000%
Tier 5$100,000Avg. Daily1.982%2.000%
Tier 6$250,000Avg. Daily2.960%3.000%

Business Money Market+

TierMin DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
Tier 1$0Avg Daily0.000%0.000%
Tier 2$2,000Avg Daily0.030%0.030%
Tier 3$25,000Avg Daily0.250%0.250%
Tier 4$50,000Avg Daily0.499%0.500%
Tier 5$100,000Avg Daily0.995%1.000%
Tier 6$250,000Avg Daily1.982%2.000%

Business Term Share Certificates**

Min DepositTermStated RateAnnual Percentage Yield
$5003 Months4.169%4.250%
$5006 Months3.928%4.000%
$5001 Year3.687%3.750%
$50018 Months3.687%3.750%
$5002 Years3.687%3.750%
$5003 Years3.445%3.500%
$5004 Years3.445%3.500%
$5005 Years3.445%3.500%

*Dividends are declared at the end of each month by the Board of Directors based on the Credit Union’s earnings and cannot be guaranteed. Dividends compounded monthly. Dividends paid on average daily balances of $100 or more on savings.

+Dividends compounded monthly. Rates shown are anticipated. Dividends paid on average daily balances of $2,000 or more.

** Dividends compounded monthly.

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